Today’s Scripture (8/19/2022)

“For we who live are constantly being handed over to death because of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our mortal flesh.” – 2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:11‬

Have It All – Bethel Music

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about myself over the last seven months is that I love seeing “myself” or my “flesh” die. As more and more of my flesh dies; more and more of Christ’s Spirit in me is able to take over. I’m never going to be perfect, until I’m called home to be with my Lord. However, I will constantly strive to make more room in my life for Christ to be revealed.

As a man, how am I leading my family? Am I having conversations with my wife and kids about my faith? Am I bold enough to discuss my faith, failings, and successes with my closest family and friends, because if I can’t do that how can I share with the world?! That’s something I’ve never done much of, but I know I’m called to lead my family spiritually, and it’s something I’ve been intentionally working on lately. My faith confidence is growing, and I’m proud to say it’s become easier but I’m still working on it.

Paul spoke in this scripture of our mortal bodies, and just before this verse is the passage about our sufferings, afflictions, pains… but Jesus! It’s something that I think many of us struggle with understanding because of our finite understanding of an eternal and perfect God. Why do we suffer, have pains, or have those afflictions? I don’t know the answer, and likely never will. The one thing that I do know though, is that in my imperfections… I know in that space, in that want for healing, is where there is knowledge that I’m in desperate need of God. When I realize I’ve messed up leading my family, see great sickness around or in me, or suffering in this world, I now see the opportunity for the glory of the Lord to be made known.

All Who Are Thirsty – Kutless

Happy Friday, enjoy your weekends, and my God be with you all in all you do and speak!